Help keep our oceans plastic free!
Our oceans and coastlines are being threatened by plastic waste! Aussie's use up to 130kg of plastic per person each year, which only 12% of that is being recycled.
"Up to 130,000 tonnes of plastic will find its way into our waterways and into the ocean" - WWF
Yuck! That makes us sure squirm in our seats seeing those numbers. Being surfers we all love the ocean and they say you should protect the things you love – which we couldn't agree with more.
Every little change does help, so here are some ways we can start reducing our plastic consumption to help keep our oceans and coastlines protected and beautiful.

Bring your own water bottle
Invest in a good stainless steel or glass water bottle. The bigger the better! It's also handy to keep a 10L reusable container of water in your car to refill when you go on surf trips. You can refill this container at home before a trip, or some beaches have taps with drinking water that you can also use to refill.
Bring your own coffee cup
Most takeaway coffee cups are not recyclable! We almost spat out are almond milk latte when we heard this – how so when it's made from paper? But have you ever wondered why that paper doesn't get all soggy when they pour that creamy frothy goodness we call coffee inside the cup? It's called polyethylene which keeps the cup waterproof but is also non-recyclable. So to keep your coffee frothy and plastic free, invest in a reusable coffee cup, most cafe's now accept them and they usually take around 50 cents off the price, so it's really a win win!

Bring your own cutlery
Here in South Australia we actually have a ban on single-use plastic straws, drink stirrers and cutlery, but in some other states of Australia they are still using plastic at cafes, bars and takeaway shops! Not to fret though you can make the easy change and carry your own stainless steel or timber cutlery. Keep a set in your bag or car handy and for them to leave the plastic cutlery out!

Skip the plastic produce bags
Does your couple of apples really need a bag for itself? I mean it's been sitting on the shelf without one, maybe it likes being free and naked? It's time to skip the plastic bags at the supermarket, try to buy the fruit and veg that is loose and not prepackaged in plastic, better yet shop at local markets for fresh fruit and veg and bring your own reusable bag!

Pack lunch in reusable containers
If your mum or partner is still packing your lunch tell her to ..... actually no it's time to grow some balls and start packing your own lunch! Ditch the cling wrap and go buy yourself some stainless steel or glass reusable containers not only will your lunch stay fresh AF! It won't be hurting anyone... including your mum/partners feelings.

Shop with reusable bags
We all know what they are and we all know how to use them. All I can say is "KEEP THEM IN YOUR CAR" trust me if they are in there you'll use them. They are no good sitting at home and every time you go to the shop you manage to forget them.

Dine in instead of takeaway
Most takeaway shops use single-use plastics, which is having a huge impact on our carbon footprint. It takes way more energy to make and dispose of these than to wash a few plates and cutlery. Not to mention most of these yucky plastics end up in our oceans. Don't be a dick and dine in when you can!