Copy of The Froth Nugget Story
Froth Nugget was born in South Australia and is a small independent surf brand that all started one night in my one bedroom flat, with just a pencil and paper. I had just come back from a surf and not going to lie was a few frothies (beers) deep.
I was feeling pretty happy and a tad creative so I whipped out a pencil and some paper and started to draw up an idea I had in my head of a chicken nugget, riding a barrel of fries. So away I went sketching it out. I wanted this nugget to be frothing and look like his having the time of his life! I mean if you were a chicken nugget and catching a barrel of fries would you not be frothing? ... and so the Froth Nugget name was born.
I showed the sketch to a mate and we laughed about it, and they said "you should make this into stickers, I would totally put one on my car." I was frothing, that someone actually wanted to stick my illustration on their car! So I thought "heck... why not!"
So I started making the stickers, and set up a website and an instagram page to sell them. I didn't think much of it to begin with but then I started to make a few sales here and there, people were frothing on them! I was frothing too, because I was doing what I love and people were sticking that shit on their cars!
I started to think "hey well maybe I can do what I love (surfing/skating/illustrating) all the time and make something of this". So I got to work and came out with the "suns out, buns out" sticker. People started buying these too!
I wasn't making crazy sales but it was enough to help me pay for the first order of Froth Nugget t-shirts. It all kinda just snowballed from there, I would put all the profit I was making from the stickers and t-shirts straight back into making more products. I still do to this day, as I am only a small business just starting out all the profit is going back into creating new products.
The plan is to continue making more original illustrations for tee's, along with other products like hats, beanies, hoodies, towels and more. I want to build a community of people that generally froth on surf, skate and each other. This brand is for you frothers that are pumped on life! Yeeeeww!
I am so appreciative of all the support from everyone that has purchased and helped me continue to grow this brand. Can't wait to see you drive by with a sticker on your car!
Rock out with your froth out,